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How to Demo Properly
Introduction: Hello, Welcome to ETsaviors! This tutorial will be a descriptive and professional way to demo throughout Enemy Territory. 

What is a Demo:  A demo is a in-game screen recording that is used for many purposes such as catching cheaters and uploading videos to youtube.

Tutorial: Lets just hop right into this tutorial! Shall we!

1. Connect to the server by hitting the “~” key under your “ESC” key and next to your “1” key and type “/connect” 

[Image: 3-7jZ2oK8tGua9GYEYDY7uzuu-eRn_OGN_t0K1gX...LB33Ra1upV]

2. Once you load into the server you will once again press the “ESC” key and navigate over to where it says options
[Image: 0lvc2aWUSrHrfZ4G7vBqi5IaGRS8OEkl4PVX9xQN...0s-gXf1Zjr]

3. Once you have found the options section click it and it should bring you to a menu like this
[Image: HJk1avFC_baBCDelpIsjlVIZyujb7q6ZIQr-48o9...exoNtdslaJ]

4.  Now navigate to where it says “Controls” and it should take you to a menu like this you are going to want to find where it says “Miscellaneous” and you should see your key bind for “Take Screenshot” and “Record Replay”
[Image: xIZonaWY7fgrGMvJSPnH4kC3uZ9-a9vXKjmHZxsx...Haj_NfcCUR]

5. if you press the right button to start a demo at the very top left corner of your screen you should see a text saying "RECORDING demo" then the date that you are recording it and the map its being recorded in.
[Image: MvJTnG18r6wLHzAF05xCUXj3JkyMG4AGttsUHvQ1...53o-ANX_2r]

6. And to stop a demo recording all you have to do is open the console by pressing Esc on your keyboard, and type /stoprecord
[Image: XrD8Jq5t6TrWwdq5UScFyKYrje1HgQNtXlh-ZfxW...PxVGb65ypJ]

If you would like to bind the same button to stop and start a demo just follow these few easy steps!

1.Open the console menu by hitting the “~” key which is under your “ESC” key and next to your “1” key!

2.Once you are in the console menu type /bind “key” record and that will bind your key to start a demo

3.Now once you have binded your key to start a demo you are going to want to open the console menu again and type /bind “key” stoprecord and that should bind your key to start and stop a demo with the same button!

Information. Make sure to always keep your demo’s 3000 “k” or less to save more space! This will also be useful If you are an admin so the other admins can review it better and it can be used to transfer the demo file over most chatting platforms including our forums!

Ending: And that's it!! you have now done a complete demo to either Apply for Admin or even just catch a cheater. I hope this tutorial Helps and hope to see yall on the server!!!!

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