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Adding GUID to Forums Profile
Hey everyone ! 
I noticed that there were several tutorials here already, I would like to make another one, for find the GUID.
I will do several tutorials in the future, but to practice, I start with this one, which I hope will help more than one.


For all players wanting to apply for |sAv|:

Saviors asks to provide your GUID in your profile, it's imperative because this is how we can identify you and assign you a level.
Only the founders will have your information.
Don't share it with anyone, as careless people could steal your identity.
Keep your GUID to keep your levels and XP on our servers!

First, what is a GUID?
The GUID is simply your identification , this is assigned to you when the game was created.

Your GUID contains two things:
-A number, representing your ID
-Your XP.
-Your level on the server.

All this information is gathered and saved in a file called "ETKey", located in your installation folder:
Example: "C:/ProgramFiles/Wolfenstein Enemy Territory/etmain/"

You should always keep this ETKey, because in the event of a problem, you can always copy it to your new installation, allowing you to keep your XP, level etc..

How to find the GUID number in ET?
What interests us here is your ID number.

But the problem is that the ETKey file does not open, so how do I find the number?

It's very simple, follow these steps:

1) Start ET
2) Connect to our server
3) Once connected, open the console with the "²" under the "Escape" key
4) Write this command in the console, and put on "Enter"

5)Your number will be displayed as under the image below (I hide some numbers, for my security Smile)
[Image: 1587540400-1.jpg]

7) You must take the last 8 characters of this number ID, this will give something like this:

8) Once your numbers are registered, go to the forum
9) Click on your avatar photo at the top right of the page
10) Click on "Edit profile"
[Image: 1587541304-3.jpg]

You will then fall on the page where you edit your profile.

[Image: 1587541193-4.jpg]

Insert your ID number in the "GUID" box.

You have now provided | sAv | the necessary, and you can post your apply Smile



To avoid having to memorize your ID numbers, there is a command for "Captured" your console.
Open your console and write:
/condump condump2020sav.txt
(The file name can be changed, put yours in place of condump2020sav.txt)

To not having to retype the order every time, you can make it a one-touch bind
/bind F8 "condump condump2020sav.txt"

All that remains is to press F8 to capture your console Wink
A confirmation message will be recorded once captured:

[Image: 1587540479-2.jpg]

Once the condump is created, you will be able to find the file in:
C: ProgramFiles/Wolfesntein Enemy Territory/Jaymod/condump2020sav.txt

Open it with the Windows Notepad or NotePad++, and copy/paste the the last 8 digits


You can enter this command to clean the console



I hope this is understandable, if you need help, don't hesitate to post a message! Smile
If other info needs to be added, let me know!


Messages In This Thread
Find your GUID (Jaymod) - by Young Fox - 04-22-2020, 04:59 AM
RE: Adding GUID to Forums Profile - by *N3g4n - 05-08-2020, 07:37 PM
Adding GUID to Forums Profile - by Walter - 05-07-2020, 11:23 AM

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